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Flow with Your Power

Fri, Jun 22


Lake Memphremagog

Awaken the power of your Soul Self by dissolving that which blocks you, connecting with Universal Wisdom, and clarifying your destiny's mythic map at Water's Wisdom Women's Retreat, June 22-24, 2018.

This retreat was designed as an intimate experience and as such registrations were limited.
Upcoming Events

Time & Location

Jun 22, 2018, 3:00 PM

Lake Memphremagog, 95 Lake Park Rd, Newport, VT 05855

About the event

Do you feel like you are adrift in this journey we call life... like you are without purpose or path? Are you being pulled down into the depths of settling to the point of growing stagnant?

Is there something inside of you just waiting to bubble up... a part of you hiding? Then it is time to take a journey with your Soul Self... get reacquainted with your passion... your purpose. Come travel with a small group of kindred souls on a similar quest... Flow into Your Power and emerge on the path of Your Becoming.

We'll tap into our connection with Spirit... with Universal Wisdom,,, letting Water be our conduit. We'll explore what gets in the way of Our Power... and how to move beyond all that blocks us.

We'll connect with Mama Cocha, the Incan Goddess of the Waters and travel to a place of magic. It is there that your fears will be washed away, your tensions dissolved, leaving you in still reflection... of your dreams.

We'll gather at a lakeside cottage on the international Lake Memphremagog. Shaman Anita Ancel of Water's Wisdom will be your guide... taking you beneath the surface... beyond the conscious... to create the mythic map for your life-changing journey.

Your exploration will take you to the depths of understanding what inhibits and what excites your Soul Self. Sprinkled along the way will be some inspiration, gifts from Spirit, insight and transformative ceremonies.

Commit a few days totally to you, your Soul Self, and your life's purpose. It is your heart and soul that will receive the massage at this retreat. The experience will be deep and extend a lifetime.

This is meant to be an intimate, small group experience where we make strong connections with our Soul Selves and Soul Sisters. For that reason, registration is limited to only eight.

This retreat will be only the beginning... if you so choose. You can continue your journey through additional shamanic sessions. By collaborating with Spirit and interacting with the energy of all things during these sessions, Anita will help restore your energetic balance and bring you into harmony with life. The Power of Your Soul Self will grow stronger and stronger.

If you choose to continue with the additional shamanic sessions, you can make one full payment or several monthly payments. Just check the option you prefer when you register.


After 30 years in the newspaper industry, Anita realized she didn't love it anymore. So she quit. Feeling a bit unsettled on her first day of freedom, she did what always refreshes her spirit… she took a bath.

Relaxing in the tub, she was still and open to the moment. What happened next was quite a surprise, shocking even, and way beyond her comprehension. Ideas, information and endless possibilities began to flood her mind. They came fast and furious. There was no way she could capture more than bits and pieces, so in awe she just let it come.

A shaman helped her understand that water is a conduit for her. It connects her with the invisible world, the world of spirit and universal wisdom.

Today as a shaman, coach, author and speaker, Anita is devoted to sharing this gift to help others move beyond all that numbs them, all that blocks them from being their Soul Self, and realizing their power.

Anita received the certificate for Luminous Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine from the Four Winds Society. She studied with and received the Shamanic Lineage Rites from the Q'ero shaman of Peru and the shamans of the Four Winds Society. Her studies are ongoing with Altomisayoq Don Aldofo Ttito Condori, Q'ero paqos Don Francisco Chura Flores and Dona Juana Apaza Ccapa, Jorge Delgado and Four Winds faculty.



3 p.m. Introductions | Open Sacred Space | Exercise: Getting Connected: Communicating without Words


7:00 Fire Ceremony to transmute blockages | Receive Bands of Power, one of the Munay Ki Rites


7:30 a.m. Breathe in the Day's Early Light | On the Beach


9:00 Moment of Beauty | Open Sharing | Connection with Universal Forces | Deep Dive into Soul Self

12:00 LUNCH

1:30 Ceremony at Water's Edge | Receive Rite of the Womb

2:30 Learn about and Create small Despacho for Mama Cocha

3:30 Water Ceremony on the Lake ( via kayaks and canoes) to give and receive blessings


6:30 Destiny Exploration | Journey to the Crystalline World


9:00 Moment of Beauty | Open sharing

10:00 Journey | Creation of the Sacred Waterfall for ongoing empowerment | Close Sacred Space

12:00 LUNCH and Departure


> Little Gnesta B&B and Extended Stay | 802-334-3438 |

> Lake Salem Inn | 802-766-5560 |

> Derby Line Village Inn | 802-873-5071 |

> The Prouty House | 802-334-2626 |

> A Place in Time B&B | 802-334-6950 |

> Water's Edge B&B | 802-334-7726 |

> Newport City Inn and Suites | 802-338-6558 |

> Derby Four Seasons | 802-334-1775 |


There are two options for meals:

1) Eat at one of the various restaurants that are within 15 minutes of the cottage.

2) Prepare your own meals on site. Refrigerator, stoves and grill available for attendee use. Several grocery

stores are within 15 minutes of the cottage.

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